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Julian Barrow

Foundation Governor

Julian Barrow joined the Local Governing Body for Prendergast Ladywell in January 2023, as an appointee from the Company of the Leathersellers. Julian has worked for 25 years as a finance lawyer in the City of London, and over the last decade has focused on advising banks on regulatory change and the regulatory aspects of strategic transformations. He has extensive management and executive level advisory experience.

Julian lives in Herne Hill in South London in an Anglo-French household with four school-age children, who have provided him with a whole variety of opportunities to draw on his musical tuition and Classics degree in ways that he could never have anticipated at the time.

As a Liveryman at the Company of the Leathersellers since 2017, Julian has been actively involved in the philanthropic activities of the Company, most recently serving on the Company’s Charity Committee (including through the period of the C-19 pandemic)